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Autor Thema: Weapon Stats  (Gelesen 6095 mal)


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Weapon Stats
« am: 10:48:50 ,23 Januar 2013 »


Ich hab einen interessanten Fred zu den Weapon-Stats gefunden.
Hier der Text:
From the datasheet notes:

High Velocity Ammunition - HVA increases bullet velocity by an unknown value as well as increasing vertical recoil by 6%-12% and extends the range a weapon reaches it's minimum damage value at by 10m.

Soft Point Ammunition - SPA decreases bullet velocity by an unknown value, as well as extending the initial damage dropoff range for the weapon to 15m instead of 10m and reducing minimum damage by 1 tier (167 → 143, 143 → 125, 125 → 112, 112 → 100, 100 → 91).
If you read the notes there, it basically works like this.

On the datasheet for each weapon, there is a max damage, a max damage distance, a minimum damage, and a minimum damage distance

You do max damage in the range from 0 --> max damage distance
from max damage distance --> min damage distance it's a linear dropoff in damage
from min damage distance --> infinity (max render distance) it does the minimum damage

So let's look at one weapon, the basic T9 Carv. Here are its stats --

Max Damage: 143
Max Damage Distance: 10m
Min Damage: 125
Min Damage Distance: 65m

-- So HVA would extend that min damage distance out to 75m. I assume this also changes the linear damage dropoff (the damage in the range between max damage distance and min damage distance) from (143-125)/(65-10) = 0.327 damage/m to (143-125)/(75-10) = 0.277 damage/m

A key point here is that beyond 75m, it doesn't do anything except reduce bullet drop and increase your recoil.

-- SPA pushes the maximum damage distance out to 15m but reduces the minimum damage by one tier, in this case from 125 to 112. The minimum damage distance stays the same. I assume the linear damage dropoff is, once again, changed as well.

Probably a good idea would be to compare the damage at certain ranges for each case. I'm not good at formatting this sort of stuff, but let's calculate the damage at intervals of 5m, starting from 10m (STA = standard)

Range: 10     - 15      - 20       - 25     - 30     - 35    - 40      - 45    - 50     - 55      - 60     - 65    - 70    - 75
STA: 143.0 - 141.4 - 139.7 - 138.1 - 136.5 - 134.8 - 133.2 - 131.5 - 129.9 - 128.3 - 126.6 - 125.0 - 125.0 - 125.0
HVA: 143.0 - 141.6 - 140.2 - 138.8 - 137.5 - 136.1 - 134.7 - 133.3 - 131.9 - 130.5 - 129.2 - 127.8 - 126.4 - 125.0
SPA: 143.0 - 143.0 - 139.9 - 136.8 - 133.7 - 130.6 - 127.5 - 124.4 - 121.3 - 118.2 - 115.1 - 112.0 - 112.0 - 112.0

I'm sure some spreadsheet wizard could make a bunch of tables and graphs and make it look all pretty, but I'm not going to do that.

So, if all my assumptions are true, SPA is only an improvement at 10-20m and HVA is good from 20m out. I would love to know exactly how far 20m is to gauge when I should use the different ammos, though.

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« Letzte Änderung: 10:52:47 ,23 Januar 2013 von schladi »